Summer Nights/Floral Hair Tutorial

Summer Nights/Floral Hair Tutorial
This tutorial is very girly and femmene, perfect way to combine braids and flowers. To be presice, the cute small wildflowers. It's simple, using the overlapping technique, and the basic braid, you can get this look in no time! Thanks again to Sincerely, Kinsey for sharing this amazing tutorial.

Preparation: You can curl your hair a day before, just so it will be easy to work with it. You'll need bobby pins and wildflowers (real or faux). Ok, start with your hair down. Begin with a small strand from each side of your head, close to your ear, warp it around to the opposite side and pin it (like in this tutorial). Repeat the process ntill you get the look from the fourth picture. After that, create a semi-loose braid with the best of your hair. Lastly, add flowers throughout your braid! 

Have a nice day friends! 

Perfect Top Knot

Perfect Top Knot
There's nothing more atractive than a beautiful messy top knot. If you're running late on a date, or something, there's an easy technique to achieve. It's most known as the french twist. Or a knot, I'm not sure.Take a try on this amazing hair tutorial from A Cup Of Jo, that will blow you away. Would you ever wear your hair into a knot?

"1-2. Start putting your hair into a high ponytail, but don't pull the hair all the way through the rubber band. You want to end up with a little loop on top with some hair left over at the bottom. (By the way, I love doing a top knot on hair that isn't combed through, so I use my fingers to get my hair into place; that way, keeps some of the imperfect lumps and bumps. If you prefer a more polished look, you can comb your hair into a sleeker ponytail.) Tip: If your hair isn't quite long enough to get a top knot, you can also wear the knot lower down on your head.

3. Take the section of hair that's free from the rubber band and twist it.

4. Take the twist and wrap it around the base of the little loop of hair you created. If you have long hair, you may need to wrap it more than once. If you are wrapping it a few times, do it loosely…you don't want it too tight and rigid.

5-6. Use bobby pins to pin the bun in place. I like to secure my bun with four pins: one in the front, one in the back and one on either side. You may have to use more if you have thicker hair. I've also found that "U" shaped pins work better to hold thicker hair. These specific pins are great because they have a rubberized texture that helps grip hair." 

Get The Look: Taylor Swift

Get The Look: Taylor Swift
Hey everyone! Lately I've been thinking about adding something new and fresh to my blog, like a new column. Or something like that. And in the same time share with you my celebrity style icons and their amazing closet. So whenever I feel like writing, I can always turn to a little research and celebrities.
First on my list is the amazing Taylor Swift. I will be honest, I rescently became a fan of hers, well more a fan of her style. Maybe because of her new hairstyle. Those bangs really gave her a little more sophisticated look. And It suits her perfectly. And almost everything she wears is perfect for everyday wear.

On the right side you can see a very simple but chic combination of a basic white shirt, and black pants with very small dots on it. I also like the cute cardigan. It's risky to wear a cardigan with such a formal look, but the awesome Ray-Bans gave it a completely different outlook. 

On the left side you can see a very navy combination with red jeans. Again with the Ray-Bans, but I just love it. This is a perfect everyday style that suits everyone, and it's very easy to achieve. 


img source
When I see this look it reminds me of London. I don't know why, honestly. However I really seem to like it even thought I'm not a big fan of wearing yellow or that navy blue as a color. But, Taylor did a great job there! 
bag: FENDI

Sooo this is the look I definitely love the most. It's a stylish and casual. Red lipstick looks great with the whole combination, and Ray-Bans also. It's really Manhattan, without much effort. The vintage sunglasses in a cat eye shape gives it just enough glam and fills the look. Not much, but beautiful.  

shorts: DR. DENIM
bag: COACH 

img source; made by me

Taylor is promoting her new single and new album 'Red' that's coming out this October and I can't be more excited! This is another chic & basic look styled with a red lipstick and Ray-Bans. Vintage, and always IN, Taylor keeps surprising people with her own sense of style. She is original, and that's what I love about her. 
shirt: NASTY GAL
shorts: FOREVER 21
Say if it helped by leaving a comment! Happy Sunday friends! 

Quick Twisted Buns

Quick Twisted Buns
Well since I have my not-so-new short hairstyle for a while now, I'm starrting to miss my long hair... Don't get me wrong, I like my short hair, bu sometimes I miss the freedom of trying all kinds of hairstyles. So, A Beautifull Mess maybe heard me, and made a post about four quick and easy hair tutorials for short hair. They are pretty good, so go and check them out here! This only one of them:

Separate your hair into three ponytails. Then twist the pony into small a bun and secure with bobby pins. Continue like that untill you finish the look! And done! 

Double Braid

Double Braid
This is not a two braids into one hair tutorial, well actually it will just look like that. But, it's not hard at all, trust me. During the summertime it's nice to take out your ripped up denim shorts and a cute top with a tomboy denim shirt. And try this cute hairstyle! I've found this tutorial on Sincerely, Kinsey and I'm really starrting to love that blog. This beautiful hair tutorial is quick and it looks great with everything.

Preparation: a small rubber band hair tie, a few bobby pins.

Begin with your hair down. Take a section of yor hair from the thicker side of your hair, and braid all the way down. It will lie flat on your head best if you angle it back as you're braiding it. Next, slightly tug all along the braid, to make it look thicker. One the braid is done, pin it on the back far side of your head underneath the top layers of your hair, covering the bobby pin. After that braid the rest your hair into a side braid. Do the same thing like with the frirst braid, tug it all the way down. If the wind isin't cooperating, take a few spritz of hairspray to keep it in place.

Happy Wednesday friedns! 

Ombre Hair Is Back

Ombre Hair Is Back
Most of you would say "Oh please, that's so last year's hairstyle", but I don't think so. Well yes it was a trend one or two years ago, but it's back! After the big pastel hair hit for summer, it became the new hair trend for this Autumn 2012 collection (my source - British Vouge). There are so many types of ombre hair, but I'm thinking on brown to pale blonde ends (I prefer that look better) or you can just play with colours. A whole host of colour combinations were on show at Prada.

img source - Zoella 

A lot of women ask what to tell their hairdresser so they could get the look that ther're asking for. The answer is very simple, just show them a picture and they'll know exactly what to do. But if you really don't  have any money, you can go and try to find some online tutorials for a DIY ombre hair look. I've alredy searched a little bit, and found a great tutorial also on Zoella - DIY Ombre Hair. Tell me what you think! 

The Perfect Holiday Hair

The Perfect Holiday Hair
Here is a little secret technique for perfect holiday hair. I just love it! It looks cute and perfectly undone, and in the same time just enough. All the credits go to A Beautiful Mess, and amazing Katie. Thank you for shairng! You may think that she used a curler on the third picture, but it's actually a piece of thick fabric. It's been folded one or two times. The fabric she used was 4.5x4.5 inches and dubled over.

Start by gathering a section of hair from the top of your head. Tease it to add some textue and volume. Take the piece of fabric (already folded) and warp the hair around it like a curler. Continue rolling the hair untill you reach the scalp. Pin in place. After that, add some random braids just to add a little character.

You can add some hair accessories, just to fill the look. And done!

Little Braided Bun

Little Braided Bun
Yay! Well, everyone here's a brand new hair tutorial made by my dear friend Anastasia from Free & Wild and myself. Yesterday we kicked in and descied to make a very casual n' sweet hairstyle and I think this one really fills up our expectations. Normally, it's very easy, and I hope you'll enjoy it! We are both so excied!

First you'll want to braid a little braid on the side and just keep it there untill you use it. So, divide your hair into two sections. The upper section can be a little smaller than the other one. Now take the upper section and just make a low twist (like you're makeing a little bun) and pin it. Take the low section and braid a regular braid. Make sure that you don't pull it down when braiding, that'll just make a strange bump. Use an elastic to tie it. 

After that, take the braid and twist it around the mini bun. As you can see, we didn't find an elastic that matches her hair color, but you can always fix that by covering it with hair. Make sure that everything is solid so it won't fall off. At the end take the little braid and pin it under the bun. That will give you a beautiful, casual look. You won't need any hairspray, we also didn't use any hair products in this tutorial. Ana's hair is naturally thick and curly. 

Nail Tutorial/Pink Crush

Nail Tutorial/Pink Crush
It's been a long time since I've posted a nail tutorial. Maybe because I got a little uninspired. Nail art never was a thing Im good at. But, I'm satified with just watching or adding glitter. My dear friend - Sanya, is very good at that, and she is always creative. So, all of you shoud visit her blog - When I'm Bored. I just love the name.

But, this is not about that. This tutorial is from one of my favorite blogs - The Wonder Forest. It's very simple, plus I get to add sprinkles. Hahahha. It's pretty easy adding them with a makeup sponge. They are a little bit stick so the glitter won't fall off. The white base is important to. So instead of adding multiple coats and messing everything up, you'll have the real bright color with only one coat. And just in case your nails have already dried, put a finishing colorless polish.

nail polish: FOREVER 21 "PEACH"

Summer Braided Twist Updo

Summer Braided Twist Updo
Remember Sara Lynn Paige? Her Gibson Bun tutorial is amazing! And really easy to make, it'll just look like you put some effort in it. So here's another beautiful & quick braid twist. As you already know, I always tend to post easy hair tutorials, even though it has braids or something like that. To be honest, I'm not that good at braiding them, sometimes I even mess up the regular ones. So don't worry. And for more info, visit Summer Braided Hairstyle l Katniss Reaping Braids.

You'll need to make two braids on each side of your head. Don't worry about a perfect part because you're going to comb over it so it looks like there was no part. Ok, some tips: braid your hair down your side, be careful not to pull it towards the front while braiding or you'lle be left with a strange bump when you pull it back. If you have shoulder length hair, start your braid more towards the back instead of on the side or the front. It might be a little tricky to braid behind your head, but it just takes practice.

One you finished the braiding part, pull back one side and lay it over, pin it, take the ends and tuck it underneath the braid so it won't be seen. Take the other side and pin it over the other. It doesn't really matter which side goes over the other.

Once you're done, you'll want to take a comb and just gently run over your past so it'll look clean. 

The Piece-Y Pony

The Piece-Y Pony
Need something to spice up your regular pony? Well here it is. The Beauty Dep. gave this is a perfect way to style it quickly & sitll looking amazing. Well, unfortunately, I went to my hair stylist a few weeks ago... Looks like my hair was a little bit more damaged than it thought it'll be. So, I finished with a shoulder lenght hair. Oh my, I'm still not used to it, but it seems that it fits me well. And it's better for a change, sometimes is good to jump out from your comfort zone.

Tools: curling iron, clear ponytail holder or a one that matches your haie color, some bobby pins, comb, hairspray.

Start by adding some curl to your hair from more texture. Tie a low ponytail. They made a line from the ear and used the hair on bottom for this. Then divide the top into 3 even sections. After that tease the middle section fir added volume and textures. Twist the middle secion and pin it into the low pony using bobby pins. Tease the side section for more texture. After that twist it back and pin it to the low pony using bobby pins. Repeat the teasing on the other side and, aswell, pin it to the ponytail. Pull a few pieces out aroud your face to soften the look. At the end, put some medium hold hairspray. 

Braidmaid Hairstyle

Braidmaid Hairstyle
Hey everyone! Oh, it's been almost four days since the last post, and I'm sorry fort that. I've been a little lazy pants last few days. But here I am and I have loads of great hair tutorials in my booksmarks to show you. Here's one of them - the braidmaid hairstyle. It's called like that because it looks like a milk maid. These kinds of "braidmaids" became very popular because they can be combined with almost everything and have a little elegance in it. This hair tutorial is from Treasures and Travels. The blog belongs to a few girls that are glad to share their life and dedicate their blog to the little things in life. Just amazing!

Okay, the steps are very easy. First start braiding a classic french braid on the sides of your head. Pin the ends righ underneath the other against the head. Done!